
Shaykh Abdur Rauf Al Yemani

Shaykh Abdur Rauf Al Yemani - wazir imam mahdi v3 jpg - SufiCo
Shaykh Abdur Rauf Yemani

The men of God are present in every era, from the beginning of time, to the last day, the world will not be devoid of the pure men of God. The world will perennially be graced by the presence of these men of God, both those who are openly known and those who remain hidden. From amongst them is the concealed Wali, Shaykh Abdur Rauf Al Yemani. A profound enigma shrouds the mysterious figure, who has graced this earthly realm for over 250 years. Yet, without leaving any discernible trace, they have remarkably vanished from the surface of the earth.

Situated between the lands of Yemen and Madinatul-Munawwarah lies a sanctuary that masquerades as a cave but, in essence, is a fragment of Paradise where It is recognised as the esteemed abode of Imam Mahdi Alayhisalam. Currently, this is also where Shaykh Abdur Rauf Yemani is being secluded alongside the deputies & ministers of Imam Mahdi Alayhisalam. Its exact location is said to be in Ghar As-Su’ada, situated in the Rub’ Al-Khali, a cave nestled in Hadhramaut. The cave is under the vigilant protection of five from amongst the hierarchy of the Saints: The Abdal, Nujabaa, Nuqaba, Awtad & Akhyar. It is also under the guard of the watchful jinn & angels, ensuring that entry is met with overwhelming amounts of electric bolts.

A rare physical physical appearance unfolded during a meeting with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim in Narmangan, Uzbekistan in 2001. After this date, there has been no physical sight of them, leaving only their name and two images preserved in the archives of history.

Regarding them, the honourable Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani would say, “China is under the authority of a great Saint who will be one of the greatest Saints in the time of Imam Mahdi & Esa Alayhisalam. His name is Abdur Rauf Al-Yemani”.

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