
Sidi Shaykh Mawlay Al Hassan Al Karkariya

Sidi Shaykh Mawlay Al Hassan Al Karkariya - B77D9ED7 DE5E 4D21 95C0 D41085B46875 - SufiCo

After witnessing their brother in a state of euphoria after they had received the sirr (secret), this caused a spark within them that ignited an unbearable desire of reaching to Allah. Sidi Shaykh Mawlay Al Hassan secluded themselves in caves and caverns until the veil was lifted and wherever they laid their eyes they they beheld the luminous inscription of Allah’s name written in letters of light […]

Mawlana Allah Yar Khan

Mawlana Allah Yar Khan - 5A0E16A4 B0F8 4CA7 80AE 368E17A0A0A6 - SufiCo

“It had been sixteen years since I started Zikr. It was now that I had started to see; with my eyes closed”. After they had traversed the destinations of Fana-Fillah & Baqa-Billah, they had fallen sick with a severe fever that persisted for 40 days. On the fortieth day Mawlana Allah Yar Khan himself relates the following, “My eyes were closed, when suddenly a saintly figure appeared. He said to me, ‘I am your Murshid. You did not have the strength to progress further, so your body was made weak to strengthen the spirit”. They thus went on to revive the Naqshbandi Awasiah Silsila taking it from path of stagnation which held its spiritual links underground, and instead brought it to the surface spreading the teachings of the Owaisi path all over the world […]

Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij At-Tijani

Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij At-Tijani - A77DEBB1 0072 4C71 8C65 48D86C442193 jpeg - SufiCo

The gnostic, the light of knowledge, the sun amongst the knowers of Allah whose intellectual legacy could fill entire libraries with the breadth of their knowledge. They penned 160 profound works spanning every facet of Islamic scholarship, holding over 600 ijazas across various Islamic disciplines. Among those granted the prestigious authorisation of all 600 ijazas was Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse. Amidst the challenges faced by followers of the Tijani path, characterized by spiritual intoxication, the path of Sidi Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij stood out for its remarkable sobriety […]

Sultan Ul-Awliya Khwaja Sufi Muhammad Aslam (Shadpur Sharif)

Sultan Ul-Awliya Khwaja Sufi Muhammad Aslam (Shadpur Sharif) - syh aslam v2 jpg - SufiCo

“I was in my 19th year and had returned home for the day. When I entered my room I busied myself in clearing up my things, whilst doing this the room suddenly was consumed by a very bright light. The luminosity of this light was such it enveloped the room with a blanket of white light the likes of which I had never encountered. I was struck with an urge to inquire as to the source of this radiance; upon turning towards my right side I beheld the Beauty of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ…The following night, I was inspired with a dream in which I was blessed with the visitation of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He presented to me some unripe dates which he ﷺ had in his blessed hands and asked of me ‘Will you eat these?’ I responded ‘The Master has presented a gift to me and refusal is no option.’ I began to eat the dates, they had the most unique taste, and I happily ate all the dates that were presented to me. Upon finishing the dates my chest became illuminated with a very peculiar light, the light I felt penetrated my heart then my whole essence, it brought upon me states that I had never reached before…[…]

Sultan Ul-Awliya Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani

Sultan Ul-Awliya Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani - shaykh nazim v2 jpg - SufiCo

A man like this only appears once in a lifetime, traverse the 7 seven heavens and you will not find a man like this. One who is a direct embodiment of every Saint that came before. A beloved of Allah who came and took this path of tasawwuf to every corner of this universe, who awoke the sleeping hearts to their ilah; the heart collector, a friend of Allah who came to teach us nothing but love […]

Sahib Al-Waqt, Sidi Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkariya

Sahib Al-Waqt, Sidi Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkariya - sidi fawzi - SufiCo

“Is it myself or my shadow that you see? This can be grasped only by him who has become like me…After about a day in this state we returned to our brothers shop to read the aphorisms of Imam Al-Iskandari, naïve as we were, we imagined that when Imam Ibn ‘Ata Allah Al-Iskandari spoke of the mirror of the heart, he meant an actual mirror. We thought that since the word mirror was used it meant that a particular secret lay hidden behind this. Then we sat in front of a mirror and started invoking the Supreme Name (Allah) with the firm intention of disappearing from the mirror. We did this for many days until we completely disappeared therefrom. We had no reflection, and when we looked at our bodies it was as though they had become invisible. We looked at the wall behind our backs, and it was as if we had become an eye without a body. Therefore, we thought, if we no longer have a body why not enter into the mirror? Upon entering into the mirror, we attained to comprehensions which are impossible for us to express…” [..]

Ghaus-e-Zaman Sayyid Shaykh Zinda Pir (Ghamkol Sharif)

Ghaus-e-Zaman Sayyid Shaykh Zinda Pir (Ghamkol Sharif) - zindapir v2 jpg - SufiCo

From a young age they would spend their entire nights awake in the remembrance of Allah and in states of deep muraqaba (meditation). They were ordered by the Prophet of Allah ﷺ to make seclusions in caves deep in the valley, and would sometimes meet visitors at the entrance of the cave. In 1952, they arrived in Madinatul Munawwara and presented themselves in the holy court of our Master Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. They requested from the Beloved Prophet ﷺ what their hukam (order) was for this life and were then told by the Prophet ﷺ to look towards the barren valley near Kohat and there Allah revealed their destiny. Upon their arrival to this barren valley, they saw their name written on one of the surrounding mountains and thereafter were given the title of ‘Zindapir’ By the Prophet ﷺ Himself. Before their arrival, it was a barren dry land without fresh water, uninhabitable so therefore it was used as a hideout for bandits. They came and awoke this land, providing an abundance of water to what was once a dry barren land. They transformed a hideout of bandits, to a place where the lovers of Allah would gather for His remembrance […]

Al-Hajj Shaykh Abdoulaye Niasse At-Tijani

Al-Hajj Shaykh Abdoulaye Niasse At-Tijani - father niasse jpg - SufiCo

In the early 1900’s, they took with them 4 requests to the sacred court of the Qutb al-Maktum, Shaykh Ahmad At-Tijani. Seated within the sanctified walls of the zawiya, a luminescent figure adorned in Moroccan attire approached them. With a countenance that gleamed, he conveyed the fulfillment of their heartfelt wishes and guided them to a designated muqaddam within the zawiya. When they approached the muqaddam, they were welcomed and immediately given the relics, as well as the beads from the rosary of Sidi Shaykh Ahmad At-Tijani, and unlimited authorisation in the Tijaniyya Order (ijaza mutlaqa). They described the mysterious man to the muqaddam inquiring who they were, to which the muqaddam replied, “That was Shaykh Ahmad At-Tijani himself!”. Their final plea, seeking one of their children to become the savior of the age (ghawth al-zaman), took them to the tomb of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani. To their astonishment, their son Ibrahim was already inside, confirming the fulfillment of their ultimate request. Four years after their passing, this prophetic vision materialized as their son, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, emerged as the Sahibul Fayda, embodying the elevated station of Ghawth-e-Zaman. […]

Pir-e-Archi, Shahe Khurasan, Akhunzada Shaykh Pir Saifur Rahman Mubarak

Pir-e-Archi, Shahe Khurasan, Akhunzada Shaykh Pir Saifur Rahman Mubarak - saifur rahman - SufiCo

The reviver of the way of Imam Al-Rabbani Mujaddid Alf-Thani, who awoke the dormant hearts through their intense spiritual attention which would cause disciples to enter into uncontrollable states of ecstasy. From their very first sitting with their shaykh, all 5 of their lataif connected to Alam-e-Amr were activated, and from thereon they became a master and possessor of the 4 main sufi orders. They would quote so fluently and accurately from The Masnavi of Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi, and The Maktubat of Imam Rabbani, it was as though they knew the entirety of the books by heart. They were once asked regarding meeting with the prophet ﷺ in an awakened state, their reply was that they would meet with the prophet ﷺ in an awakened state in every single gathering, and in those times they would hold a gathering of zikr after every prayer […]

Shaykh Ahmad Al Habbal Ar-Rifai

Shaykh Ahmad Al Habbal Ar-Rifai - syh ahmd hbl jpg - SufiCo

A living embodiment of the Sahaba of the Rasul of Allah ﷺ, The Gnostic, The Ascetic, The Friend of Allah who was known to meet regularly with the prophet ﷺ in an awakened state. From the age of 15 they would complete the entirety of The Holy Quran every single week, and whenever they would be visited, whether at their home or in their shop, they were seen to be constantly engaged with the recitation of the book of Allah Almighty. Once a man from the Ahl al-Bayt approached them at their shop with the intention that they would pray to Allah on their behalf for the blessings of a child. Immediately as the Sayyid entered the shop, from a distance the shaykh looked at them and said, “When he is born, name your son Ahmad.” The sayyid was shocked how the shaykh knew of his request before he had even spoke, and that same year Allah had blessed the man with a beautiful son whom he named Ahmad […]

Shaykh Muhammad Salih Al-Farfour Al-Dimishqi

Shaykh Muhammad Salih Al-Farfour Al-Dimishqi - shaykh salih farfur v2 1 jpg - SufiCo

The Shaykh Of The Levant, the founder of Al-Fatih Al-Islamiyya which produced some of the greatest scholars of Ash-Sham Ash-Sharif. They were a student of the great Shaykh Badruddin Al-Hassani, and were the teacher of several righteous Ulama amongst the likes of Shaykh Abdul Razzaq Al-Halabi, Shaykh Adib Al-Kallas, and even the wife of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, Hajjah Aminah Adil. Their humility was such, that despite their rank they would constantly weep out of fear of Allah, and would stay awake the entire night with a jug of water in one hand, and a cup in the other to quench the thirsts of any of their students who woke during the night […]

Al-Qutb, Muhaddith Ul-Haramayn, Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki

Al-Qutb, Muhaddith Ul-Haramayn, Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki - alawi maliki - SufiCo

The leader of the Sayyids & Sa’dats, the reviver of the way of the holy prophet ﷺ in the region of Al-Hijaz. A friend of Allah, and a beloved to all awliya; the one whose shroud was untied by the prophet ﷺ himself during their burial. An heir of the prophet ﷺ who had obtained more than 200 ijazahs from the greatest scholars of their time, possessing the shortest chain of narration back to our prophet ﷺ […]

Sayyidul Awliya, Shamsul Arifeen, Khwaja Peer Faqeer Rahmat Karim Sahib

Sayyidul Awliya, Shamsul Arifeen, Khwaja Peer Faqeer Rahmat Karim Sahib - faqeer rhmt krm - SufiCo

The possessor of 14 spiritual orders, The Qutb of The North West frontier of Pakistan, one whose birth was predicted stating that they would be the king of all awliya in their time. It is said that every Thursday at their zawiya they would be visited by The Sultan Of Al-Hind, Hazrat Shaykh Mohinuddin Chisti Ajmeri, as well as the great grandson of Ghawth-E-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani by the name of Shaykh Suleiman Shah Jilani. From amongst their known miracles are that their emits a natural fragrance from their body & breath that is not found anywhere else in the world. They were also known to cure the blind, those with leprosy and other incurable ailments […]

Shaykh Abdur Rauf Al Yemani

Shaykh Abdur Rauf Al Yemani - wazir imam mahdi v3 jpg - SufiCo

“China is under the authority of a great saint who will be one of the greatest saints in the time of Imam Mahdi & Esa Alayhisalam. His name is Shaykh Abdur Rauf Al Yemani” – Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani. A hidden awliya whose age exceeds 250, and at present they have been taken to Ghar As-Su’ada, in the Rub’ Al-Khali which is a cave located in Hadramawt. The cave is guarded by the jinn, such that no one can enter without being electrocuted as this is also the place where Imam Mahdi Alayhisalam resides. One of their rare physical physical appearances took place in a meeting with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim in Narmangan, Uzbekistan in 2001 […]

Shaykh Ul-Waqt, As-Sayyidi, Shaykh Ahmad Al-Alawi Ad-Darqawi

Shaykh Ul-Waqt, As-Sayyidi, Shaykh Ahmad Al-Alawi Ad-Darqawi - syh ahmd al alawi - SufiCo

Before their blessed birth, their mother Fatimah, a lady of immense piety was given a flower by the Prophet ﷺ, a divine symbol signaling the imminent birth of a virtuous son. True to this prophetic indication, the son emerged as none other than Sidi Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi, whose spiritual legacy would go on to traverse the expanses of the world, disseminating the teachings of the Shadhili path far and wide […]

Mian Huzoor, Shaykh Sufi Tariq Ahmad Shah Arif Usmani Al-Hasani Jhangiri

Mian Huzoor, Shaykh Sufi Tariq Ahmad Shah Arif Usmani Al-Hasani Jhangiri - shah arif jpg - SufiCo

As a young seeker they encountered a man who devoted entire days & nights gazing into the fire. One day, beckoning them closer, the man urged, “Place your hands into the fire and retrieve what lies within.” In their youthful curiosity, the seeker immersed their hand into the fire, only to find, to their astonishment, that it did not burn. Instead, they extracted a ring from the midst of the flames. Instructed to wear the ring, they were informed that when it eventually shattered, they would have found the one whom they were in search of. Time passed, and as destiny would have it, they encountered a man who on their meeting the ring disappeared from their hand. They looked around to see if the ring had dropped anywhere, when suddenly the man exclaimed, “Is this what you are looking for?”. Opening his hand, the ring lay crumbled in his palm. They had finally found the one they were in search of, and were then put through many rigorous spiritual seclusions and litanies. […]

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ali As-Senussi Al-Idrisi Al-Hasani

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ali As-Senussi Al-Idrisi Al-Hasani - senussi v2 - SufiCo

If they wished for an ayah from the quran they would look to their right hand, & if they wished for a certain hadith they would look to their left hand and both would be present before them. They took the Shadhili & Tijani paths, as well as taking the quran from The Qutb Shaykh Ahmad At-Tijani himself! Despite this, they felt they had not found the spiritual guide they were in search of, and so they travelled and searched in the streets of Cairo whereupon they encountered a hidden saint who told them that the one they were in search of was in Makkah. On hearing this, they set off for the pilgrimage and upon their arrival in Makkah, they saw the prophet ﷺ and beseeched, “Oh Messenger of Allah ﷺ, I request of you the illumination”. He ﷺ replied, “Your illumination will be at the hands of Ahmad Ibn Idris”. This vision occurred 3 times until they finally decided to go and sit infront of Sidi Ahmad Ibn Idris who on seeing them said, “O muhammad, is not the vision that you saw once, twice, and a third time sufficient for you?” […]

Sahibul-Saif, Shaykh Abdul Kerim El-Kibrisi Al-Rabbani

Sahibul-Saif, Shaykh Abdul Kerim El-Kibrisi Al-Rabbani - sahibul seyf v2 1 - SufiCo

The Lion of Allah Almighty, The Owner of The Sword, The Gazi, who descended from a lineage of Awliya including Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani & Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. Nurtured and molded under the guidance of three eminent awliya of their time—Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani, and their revered father Haji Fuat Al-Rabbani. At the tender age of 20, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim dispatched them to America, coinciding with a notable blackout in New York City upon their arrival. This event was intricately linked to the celestial inspiration they received, outlining the divine mission they were entrusted with in America.

Upon their earthly departure, it is recounted that they ascended to the mountain of Qaf—a clandestine peak guarded by the jinn […]

The Mufti Of Iraq, ‘Nami’, Shaykh Abdul Karim Mudarris Al-Bayyarah Al-Qadiri

The Mufti Of Iraq, 'Nami', Shaykh Abdul Karim Mudarris Al-Bayyarah Al-Qadiri - abdul kerim mudarris jpg - SufiCo

They were known by the epithet Mudarris because they had taught the islamic sciences for over 80 years, leaving behind a legacy of approximately 150 publications in arabic, kurdish & persian on a multitude of islamic sciences, being the first person in the world to translate the holy quran in kurdish […]

Qutb Ul-Aqtab, The Reviver Of The Chistiya Order, Hazrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Qutb Ul-Aqtab, The Reviver Of The Chistiya Order, Hazrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah - pir mehr ali shah v2 jpg - SufiCo

A saint from birth, burning in Divine Love to the extent that they would be compelled on cold winter nights to bathe in the ice-cold canal water in order to cool their body. During their childhood they would spend most of their nights in isolation wandering through the ravines and mountains. It is said that their birth was foretold by a dervish absorbed in ecstasy who informed the family of an heir approved by Allah Almighty […]

Shaykh Rajab Ad-Deeb

Shaykh Rajab Ad-Deeb - syh rajab v2 jpg - SufiCo

“By the name of Allah son, we used to sit on our knees for 8 hours straight without moving at all! Without a sip of water or a glance here and there! I would close my eyes 8 hours straight, sleep was not an option. When I would feel that I might fall asleep I would put black pepper in my eyes to prevent myself from falling asleep. Even though my eyes were burning, I did not feel a thing due to the joy of remembrance! They burned but I felt nothing! […]

Habib Kazim Ibn Ja’far Al-Saggaf

Habib Kazim Ibn Ja'far Al-Saggaf - syh hb kzm v2 jpg - SufiCo

Words flow from their mouth like bursting springs carrying in it the nur of the Prophet of Allah ﷺ. Their speech kindles a flame within, enveloping one’s entire being in a state of profound absorption and repentance. A flawless embodiment of the prophetic character, their radiant and captivating smile possesses the power to illuminate even the darkest of nights. Devoted to the love of the Rasul ﷺ and committed to serving others, their humility reaches remarkable heights—while others slumbered, they remained awake, washing the clothes of their classmates, such was their level of humility […]

Qutb Al-Tawadhu, Shaykh Shukri Al-Luhafi Al-Shadhili Ad-Darqawi

Qutb Al-Tawadhu, Shaykh Shukri Al-Luhafi Al-Shadhili Ad-Darqawi - syh shukri luhafii v2 jpg - SufiCo

The cloak of wilaya enveloped their entire being and the lights of illumination radiated from their face. They were a living embodiment of the Sahaba of the Rasul of Allah ﷺ. A Saint dressed with the robe of humility & humbleness. A master of all 10 dialects of the Quran, an ascetic, a faqih, a linguist, a calligrapher, a poet, and a master of the Shadhiliya Darqawiya order of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Hashimi & Shaykh Abdul Rahman Shaghouri. Yet despite this they would serve the people water in the mosque for over 10 years, such was their level of tawadhu, they did not want to be known […]

Shaykh Ul-Alam Qibla Pir Alauddin Siddiqui

Shaykh Ul-Alam Qibla Pir Alauddin Siddiqui - pir alauddin - SufiCo

“If from a persons mouth comes a downpour of thorns, from yours should come the petals of a rose.” A shining lamp in a country surrounded by darkness, they came and awoke those sleeping hearts with their light. A saintly man dressed with the most perfect of manners, once they were visited by a wandering dervish who on seeing them entered into a state overwhelmed by tears exclaiming, “You are my shaykh, i have been searching for you my entire life!” […]

Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Abul Huda Al-Yaqoubi

Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Abul Huda Al-Yaqoubi - C1D68697 362F 4EFD 9920 608C4EB3D627 jpeg - SufiCo

“A young man has come to Damascus, his name is Muhammad Abul Huda Al-Yaqoubi, hold onto him for he is the man of his time.” – Al Imam Shaykh Abdullah Sirajuddin. A descendant of the holy prophet ﷺ, a descendant of an entire lineage of awliya, an encyclopaedia of prophetic knowledge and light. It is why the great friend of Allah, Sidi Shaykh Abdul Rahman Al-Shaghouri would say regarding them, “Whoever rejects him as a friend of Allah, I declare war upon them.” […]

Mujaddid Ul-Hind, Ala Hazrat, Al-Imam Ahmed Ridha Khan Al-Barelvi

Mujaddid Ul-Hind, Ala Hazrat, Al-Imam Ahmed Ridha Khan Al-Barelvi - ala hazrat jpg - SufiCo

The reviver of islam who changed the entire landscape of the entire subcontinent of Al-Hind. They came and awakened the hearts to the love of Mustafa ﷺ. Every single scholar, every single saint from Al-Hind have benefited either directly or indirectly through them, and without them hundreds of millions of hearts would have remained dormant in their love for the prophet of Allah ﷺ […]

Mujaddid Ul-Islam, Shaykh Hazrati Mahmud Effendi Hazratleri

Mujaddid Ul-Islam, Shaykh Hazrati Mahmud Effendi Hazratleri - mahmud effendi - SufiCo

“The prophet ﷺ has close to 4,000 sunnahs practised everyday, if you see me leaving just 3 of them then do not pray behind me.” An angel descended from the heavens in human form carrying the prophetic light and reviving the religion of islam throughout the entire world. A friend of Allah who no sect of islam could deny, and that on their birth their blessed mother witnessed the moon descend from the sky and be placed onto her lap […]

Ameer-E-AhleSunnat, Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri

Ameer-E-AhleSunnat, Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri - ilyas qadrii v2 - SufiCo

“I must strive to reform myself and the people of the entire world.” A pure embodiment of the sunnah of the messenger of Allah ﷺ. A passionate lover and sincere guide. In 1981 they founded a non-profit organisation by the name of ‘dawat-e-islami’ which is now the largest ahlesunnat organisation in the entire world reaching over 190 countries and in establishments ranging from hospitals, schools, universities, madrasahs, and even penitentiaries […]

Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi

Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi - khadim hussain rizwi v2 jpg - SufiCo

“We can tolerate anything but we will not tolerate anything said against our Prophet ﷺ”. The soldier of Allah & Sher-E-Mustafa, one who defended the honour of the prophet ﷺ to their very last breath. They were a master of hadith, and would often narrate hadith with their full chains of transmission as fluently as though they were reading from directly infront of them. Since the inception of mankind, there has been no funeral in greater attendance and this in itself is a sign of the service Khadim Hussain Rizvi gave to islam […]

Khwaja-E-Khwajagan, Shaykh Sufi Arshad Mahmood Aslami (Salyal Sharif)

Khwaja-E-Khwajagan, Shaykh Sufi Arshad Mahmood Aslami (Salyal Sharif) - sufi arshad mahmooooood - SufiCo

Sufi Arshad Mahmood, The shining light of Shadpur Sharif, a beacon of light in a country of darkness, radiating and emanating nothing but pure love and ishq-e-Rasul ﷺ They were granted a vision of the Beloved of Allah ﷺ who had told them, “The salawat you recite reaches us directly!” It is impossible to leave their gathering without the love of the Messenger of Allah being infused and fragrant within your heart. Their shaykh would say regarding them, “My son, i see your gardens blossoming and people flocking towards you. I will not be around physically to witness this, but you will take my message across the entire world.” […]

Sultan Ul-Awliya, Shaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad-Daghestani

Sultan Ul-Awliya, Shaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad-Daghestani - syh abdullah dag - SufiCo

Born with sainthood, a heart with no veils, one that would be able to read directly off the Lawhe-Mahfudh. They were marked with the hand of the Prophet ﷺ on their back, foreshadowing their inheritance of holding the Prophetic Light. They underwent 20 seclusions in caves deep in forests whereby they would repeat the name of Allah 148,000 times, and Salawat 24,000 times daily. From a single Fatiha they were able to heal those who were considered uncurable […]

Shaykh Ul-Islam, Mawlana Shaykh Sharafuddin Ad-Daghestani

Shaykh Ul-Islam, Mawlana Shaykh Sharafuddin Ad-Daghestani - syh shrfudn dgstni jpg - SufiCo

A saint from birth fluent in syriac and marked with the hand of the prophet ﷺ on their back. They were born with open eyes and an open heart carrying of the secret of sultan adh-dhikr, such that anyone who would look into his eyes would faint. A master of 6 spiritual orders at the age of 27. They spent 3 months diving into the secrets of surah al-an’am extracting the names of all 7007 saints of the naqshbandi order & the 99 caliphs of imam mahdi alayhi-salam […]

Qibla Alam, Khwaja Hafiz Abdul Karim (Eidgah Shareef)

Qibla Alam, Khwaja Hafiz Abdul Karim (Eidgah Shareef) - bawajeeeee v4 - SufiCo

Khwaja Hafiz Abdul Karim, the successor of Sayyid Faqeer Muhammad Churahi, who would undergo such states of metamorphosis that they would spend countless nights lost in zikr & meditation. They attained a level of kashf that is unparalleled with having the ability to see things simultaneously thousands of miles away. They would often say, “The symptom for disease of the heart is lack of appetite for Divine remembrance.” […]

Baba Ji Sarkar, Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Qasim Mohrvi (Mohra Sharif)

Baba Ji Sarkar, Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Qasim Mohrvi (Mohra Sharif) - qasim mohrvi jpg - SufiCo

In dire search of a spiritual guide, they were given a withered flower and told that when this flower would come back to life, they will have found their spiritual guide. This became a reality when they met khwaja nizamuddin who with a single glance acquainted them with all the stages of spiritualism. They then went on transforming a uncultivated forest inhabited by wild animals into the holy mohra sharif, offering 1000 nafl prayers every night, having over 2 million students & 70,000 khulafa […]

The Light Of Al-Azhar, Al-Qutb, Shaykh Salih Al-Ja’fari

The Light Of Al-Azhar, Al-Qutb, Shaykh Salih Al-Ja’fari - syh salih al jafariii jpeg - SufiCo

The pole of knowledge, The Light of Al-Azhar who wrote hundreds of poems in praise of the Prophet of Allah ﷺ. The reviver of the way of Sayyidi Ahmad Ibn Idris Al-Fasi & Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ali Al-Sanusi. Founder of the Ja’fariyya order, they would only initiate seekers into the path after first receiving permission from the Prophet ﷺ. “I swear by Allah! If I wanted to fill Al-Azhar with my disciples, I would certainly be able to do so, but I do not give the Path to anyone except by special permission from our Master, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. I do not give the Path except if the Messenger of Allah ﷺ says to me, “Give the Path to this son of mine.” […]

Qutb-E-Dimishq, Shaykh Abdul Rahman Shaghouri

Qutb-E-Dimishq, Shaykh Abdul Rahman Shaghouri - syh abd rhmn shghuri jpg - SufiCo

“A person is with whom he loves, and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ shall never abandon those who love him”. From one glance of them, it would leave every cell in your body saying, “Allah”, one glance was all it took for fates to be changed. Shaykh Abdul Rahman Shaghouri had memorised vast amounts of poetry, as well as being a poet themselves, they composed a mystical ode on their completion of their spiritual seclusion assuring that every spiritually dormant heart, upon encountering the presence of Shaykh Muhammad Al Hashimi, is revived and transformed, returning to life. It emphasises that anyone who approaches with genuine intention will never be leave empty handed.

Qutb-E-Halab Shaykh Sayyid Abdullah Sirajuddin Al-Husayni

Qutb-E-Halab Shaykh Sayyid Abdullah Sirajuddin Al-Husayni - syh abdullah sirajuddin v2 - SufiCo

The inheritor of the Light of the Prophet of Allah ﷺ, The shining lamp of Ash-Sham Sharif who was known to often meet with the Prophet ﷺ in an awakened state. Once during their visit to Madina Al-Munawwarah whilst they were exiting Masjid-e-Nabawi, they were followed from behind by one of the Aghwat (The Guardians of Masjid-E-Nabawi who hold the keys to the chamber of the Prophet ﷺ). One of the Aghwat stopped Shaykh Abdullah Sirajuddin and said to them, “I saw light come out of the burial chamber of the Prophet ﷺ and stretch towards you and follow you, that’s why I followed you to seek blessings from you.” […]

Al-Qutb, Al-Habib Ahmad Mashhur At-Taha Al-Haddad

Al-Qutb, Al-Habib Ahmad Mashhur At-Taha Al-Haddad - habib kun ahmad mashhur taha al haddadd v2 jpg - SufiCo

The reviver of the light of Imam Al-Haddad; the caller to Allah who converted over 300,000 people to islam in places and to tribes that had never before been reached to. The lights of Jamal were so present on them that as a young child they would often have to veil their face from other people due to them fainting or entering into states. The Qutb Habib Abdul Qadir Saggaf would say regarding them, “Habib Ahmad Mashhur is amongst those gnostics, who recites a single verse of the quran all night and with each recitation countless secrets are unveiled to him.” […]

Al-Qutb, Al-Habib Abdul Qadir Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abd Al-Rahman Al-Saggaf

Al-Qutb, Al-Habib Abdul Qadir Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abd Al-Rahman Al-Saggaf - habib abdl qadr sgff v2 jpg - SufiCo

“Make your qibla Muhammad ﷺ” The Pivot of Yemen who awoke the entire land of Tarim to the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. One endowed with the lights of spiritual knowledge and the remembrance of Allah Almighty. It is for this reason the esteemed Habib Umar would say, “By Allah! there is no man in the universe like him! By Allah! there is no man in the universe like him!” […]

Sidi Shaykh Abu Madyan Ibn Lamnawwar Al-Qadiri Al-Boutchichi

Sidi Shaykh Abu Madyan Ibn Lamnawwar Al-Qadiri Al-Boutchichi - abu madyann jpg - SufiCo

“I suffered to inherit this sirr and I would only share it with those worthy of it”. The ascetic, who took the path of their ancestors from a state of stagnation to a living spiritual path. Thus, being the reviver of the tariqa combining the Tijani & Darqawi paths. They would isolate themselves in the mountains making zikr and would only initiate the most ardent and sincere of seekers […]

Khadim Ul-Rasul, Serigne Touba, The Qutb, Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba

Khadim Ul-Rasul, Serigne Touba, The Qutb, Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba - serigne toubaa jpg - SufiCo

A saint from birth, founder of the city Touba, an uncultivated forest of their seclusion transformed into a holy city using sacred geometry. They were given the title of Qutb by the prophet ﷺ themselves. Such was their adab for the words of Allah that they would sleep on the floor and place the quran on their bed. They compilied thousands of poems in love of the rasul ﷺ. When they were thrown off a ship, they were seen praying on the ocean, and when they were encaged with a lion, they were seen praying with the lion sat subservient next to them […]

Shaykh Al-Islam, Ghawth-E-Zaman, Sahibul-Fayda, Barhama, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse

Shaykh Al-Islam, Ghawth-E-Zaman, Sahibul-Fayda, Barhama, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - sahibul fayda 44 jpg - SufiCo

“My saintship had been completed when I was an infant, and the totality of the hidden Men of God were coerced to submit under my authority”. In the 18th century, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani stated that one of his successors would be given the faydah, which would cause the order to spread all over the world. around 150 years later, at the age of 29, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse emerged as the Sahibul-Fayda (owner of the spiritual flood) and single handedly changed the entire landscape of Africa bringing millions of followers to the order. “If you want to love the Holy Prophet ﷺ, come to me, I will give you the drink to become drunk in His love” […]

Qutb Of The Levant, Al Muhaddith, Shaykh Badruddin Al-Hassani

Qutb Of The Levant, Al Muhaddith, Shaykh Badruddin Al-Hassani - syh bdruddinnn - SufiCo

“There are people for whom if they lost their presence of heart with the messenger of Allah ﷺ for even a single moment, they would perish.” such was their relation with the messenger ﷺ. one of the greatest men of Allah you will ever come across, who spent 23 years of their life in seclusion memorising over 100,000 hadith; for every awliya produced in syria, he was their teacher […]

Al Arif-Billah, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib Al-Amghari Al-Hasani

Al Arif-Billah, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib Al-Amghari Al-Hasani - syh sidi ibn al habib v2 - SufiCo

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib, the gnostic of Allah who would stay awake the entire night repeating the name of Allah 15,000 times. Possessor of the lights and secrets of Allah with the idhn from the Rasul ﷺ. Author of The Diwan, a book overflowing with the nur of sayyidina muhammad ﷺ. The reviver of the Darqawi order, who often taught the litanies through dreams & visions […]

Al-Mashyakha Al-Kubra, Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Al Hajouji At-Tijani

Shaykh Muhammed Al-Hajouji

Born on the night of Laylatul Qadr, Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Al Hajouji was a man known to be in 2 places at the same time, having memorised all 30 chapters of the Holy Qurān as well as the entirety of Sahīh Al-Bukhāri which contains over 4,000 pages and 7,563 hadith of the Rasūl of Allāh ﷺ & many other islamic texts. They were presented in the diwān to all Awliya by the Prophet ﷺ himself and they would often say that real illumination can only occur once the seeker is blessed with meeting with the Prophet ﷺ in an awoken state otherwise their spiritual state would always remain dormant […]