
Al Arif-Billah, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib Al-Amghari Al-Hasani


Al Arif-Billah, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib Al-Amghari Al-Hasani - sidi mhmd ibn al habib v2 - SufiCo
Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib

اَصَلٰوةُ وَاسَلاَمُ عَلَيكَ يَا سَيِدي يَا رَسول الله

“The people of dhikr (remembrance of God) do not die, and the people who make no dhikr, look at them, they are already dead.”

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib

“Praise belongs to Allah Who has established men in every age to revive His Tariqa. He has revealed to them the lights of Muhammad, from which all the lovers who followed them would derive aid, be they couples or individuals. We praise Him, the Glorious and Exalted, for the secrets with which He has entrusted us, and for the sciences, gnoses and lights He has poured out on us.

We greatly thank Him, may His Majesty be exalted, in recognition of all the blessings that have come to us and all the slaves of Allah, free or in bondage. We declare that our master Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, sent by Allah as a mercy to the creation, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and his family and companions who spent themselves and their wealth in the revival of His way and the setting up of His Sunna (way), and who did not turn to the destruction of the hypocrites and the veiled.

Brothers of the Darqawiyya-Shadhiliyya order and all others of the Lord’s slaves in all of Allah’s countries who desire to emulate a master, know, that Allah the Exalted has destined for this noble path in every age one who sets right its deviations and manifests its secrets and its lights. He is the Shaykh who unites the Haqiqa (Reality) and the Shari’a (Islamic law) with the idhn (authorisation) of Allah and His Messenger and all the Awliya (Saints) of Allah. He is the unique man of Muhammad of whom there is only one in every age. If there are numerous Shaykhs in his age, he rules over them all, whether they are aware of it or not.

Many have laid claim to the Station of uniqueness with falsehood and lies because they seek leadership and desire to possess this passing world. The pretender is unaware that whoever claims what is not in him is exposed by the witnesses of the test, since in their presence a man is either exalted or humiliated. True Shaykhs are satisfied with the knowledge of Allah and depend only on Allah. All that emanates from them speaks of the blessing of Allah. He, may He be exalted said:

‘As for the blessing of your Lord – declare it.’

So let Muhammad ibn al-Habib, al-Amghari al-Hasani by lineage, dwelling in Fez, the poor slave of his Master, yet enriched by Him with other-than-Him – declare, in speaking of Allah’s blessing – that idhn (authorisation) has come to him from Allah and the Messenger of Allah and all the Awliya of Allah, and that Allah has singled him out with sciences and secrets which only the unique man of Muhammad possesses. Had we wished to reveal all that Allah has blessed us with we would need volumes, we shall however relate to the Fuqara only that tribute with which our Shaykh and teacher Sayyidi Muhammad ibn ‘Ali favoured us.”

The great gnostic of Allah, the author of The Diwan, the one immersed in the remembrance of Allah Almighty, the master of the Shadhilliya Ad-Darqawiyya Al-Habibiyya order, the great grandson of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, the Sharīf, Sīdī Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Al Habib Al-Idrissi Al-Amghari Al-Hassani Al-Fāsi.

Just from their name alone, it shows the nisba (connection) and high status they carried even amongst the Sharīf and Sa’dāt. They held the lineage of Al-Idrisi Al-Hasani; an honourable lineage which goes through Mawlay Idrīs to Imām Hassan to the beloved of Allāh, Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. It is a lineage which is extremely revered in the entire region of Morocco, and was also an ancestral line shared by 3 other pivots who shaped the outline of tasawwuf in not just Morocco, but the entire world. They were; Sīdī Abd Al-Salām Ibn Mashīsh (d/1227), Sīdī Abdul Azīz Ad-Dabbāgh (d/1719), & Sidi Ahmed Ibn Idrīs (d/1837).

It is very likely that Sīdī Shaykh Muhammad Al Hajouji had even met Sīdī Muhammad Ibn Al-Habīb as they shared several of the same teachers and they were both present in the Al-Qarawiyyīn University in 1900 & 1901. However, Sīdī Muhammad Ibn Al-Habīb had stopped their studies in 1901 at the age of 25, whereas Shāykh Muhammad Al Hajouji had only just began. At around the same time there was also another gnostic of Allāh present in the Al-Qarawiyyīn institute by the name of Sidi Ahmad Al-Sukayrij (d/1944), so all 3 Qutbs (Pivots) were contemporaries of each other and present in the institute at exactly the same time. 

Al Arif-Billah, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib Al-Amghari Al-Hasani - syh sidi ibn al habib v2 - SufiCo
Sidi Muhammad Ibn Al Habib

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